The Effect of Diabetes Self-management Education

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            According to the study by Cunningham et al., (2018) it is evident that adults who have received education on diabetes self-management care improved over 6 month period when compared to adults that did not receive diabetes self-management education. In the study it is evident that diabetes self-management education has for long been associated with HbA1c which is an important factor for all patients with type 2 diabetes. From the study summary, the researchers agree that education on diabetes self-management care is recommended, as one of the ways to improving the quality of life for patients suffering from Type 2 diabetes.

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However, the main challenge was the need to also determine the quality of life scores in relation than what education on diabetes self-management would do to the clinically improve the life of patients.  This means that education will only work at a homecare setting; this means that it would be important for future studies to include measures on the quality of life. Other moderators should also be included like social support and self-efficacy which would usually exists in a particular setting. It is very important also that for future studies on the Meta analysis, other factors like the systems level contributors in regard to the existing disparities in the United States like racial discrimination, social and economic status and mistrust of the medical system. All these factors will come in play when developing a diabetes self-management education in the United States (Cunningham et al., 2018). Also from the study, it is evident that educators need to be sensitive towards the experiences of the marginalised populations in the United States as the experience can create a huge impact in the end results. 

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