Investing in Nursing

Investing in Nursing

            Recently, the health department has encountered various challenges, thus causing an alarm that has caught up the attention of WHO. The nursing department as a whole has been severely affected in the USA; hence, there is need for a lot of improvement in this sector in order to attain the current WHO standards in health care provision. Among those suggestion made by WHO include the need for improvement in health facilities that are being used on a daily basis by nurses, the government needs to encourage much enrollment of student on the nursing profession, better payment for nurses, skill and modern training for our nurses and more investment in the sector (World Health Organization, 2020).

            Research has shown that some of our medical facilities are outdated, and there is a need for improvement of medical facilities for efficient service delivery to the patients. Advancement in technology and information governance is necessary for healthcare workers to deliver quality care using modern medical equipment. Digitalized forms of information technology such as Electronic Health Recording (HER) need to be installed in every health facility to ease information sharing. Other technologies such as the use of defibrillators, modern birthing beds, autoclaves and blood drawing chairs also need to be installed to improve quality of care (Walshe & Offen, 2017). The efficiency of health governance is realized when adequate forms of technology are in place.

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              The government needs to recruit more nurses into practice to handle increasing health situation to ensure no gap exists in the provision of health services. The government should encourage enrollment of more student in the medical sector, especially in the nursing department. Since nurses offer vital services, a better remuneration should be offered to encourage them and as a form of a reward of their services (Aveling et al., 2015). With better payment, nurses will be motivated to deliver efficient services and hence leading to more satisfaction of the well-being of the patients. They should also be equipped with the necessary protective gears for their own safety in the rendering of their services to the patients. These measures will enable proper monitoring, empathic patient care, and vigorous advocacy.

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