The Importance Of Communication Nursing Essay

Professional Leadership and Communication for Healthcare

Reflection Working Style Reflection

According to the learning report, am very creative and get excited about starting new projects. I am continually searching for new ways and possibilities of doing things in new ways. I also like taking on challenging duties, the more challenging a task it, the more excited about it I become. I can work with people from different backgrounds and connect well with all team members. I however only form close connections with specific people and do not allow everyone into my personal space. I draw people to me through my charming, humorous and witty personality. This makes me get along well with people in a team environment. However, long-term relationships may in some instances require deliberate effort from me to keep them spiced up to avoid feeling drained.

I like order and structure and put in a lot of time and effort towards organizing things for order to be created. Regarding decision making, I always refer to my gut to make the best decision. I am however learning to rely on more than just instincts and do more research using facts before making a decision. I am very optimistic and rarely think of the negatives in a situation, I must remind myself to focus on the negatives when making decisions. I am very energetic during projects and maintain steady stamina in the course of delivering set agendas. I like to be in control of situations and do not like surprises. Seeing other people happy, is a huge source of satisfaction for me, and I find myself engaging in activities that will make others feel better. I can comfortably handle multiple tasks given to me owing to my superior multitasking skills. However, I can comfortably delegate to those I trust. I am keen on being a winner and emphasize high achievement. I guess I can be referred to as a sore loser.

There are five energy flow dynamics according to the graph: extreme, deliberate, effortless and stress. Intense energy is when one feels full of energetic can ready to go at any time when called upon. Effortless as the name suggests little energy to perform tasks but is not as enthusiastic as the extreme level. For the predetermined level, power is not actively present; a conscious decision must be made to perform a particular task — the individual needs to talk themselves into performing the tasks. The stress level has minimal energy and is more erratic about performing a task. They would instead not perform it at all and having to do it gives them intense stress levels. They have no energy to engage in tasks.

My humorous and charming personality relates to effortless energy. My multitasking strength is extreme energy since I am excited about performing multiple tasks. My weakness of needing to be in control falls under stress since I become very distressed when in such circumstances. The other weakness of relying on my gut falls under deliberate stress because I have to make conscious choices to stop relying on my gut and instead do some research before making decisions.

Personal Strengths

One of my core strengths is that I can work well and effectively in a team environment. It does not matter the race, color, religion, nationality of those around me. Such things do not get to me. Instead, I blend in seamlessly with people from backgrounds differing from mine, and it would be hard for a stranger observing us interacting to imagine how different our backgrounds are. I quickly break the ice in a room full of new people by cracking a joke or making a witty comment. I, therefore, gel with other and form new friendships with ease. Another strength I have is that I can multitask. Even when faced with a myriad of tasks, I can multitask and deliver all the tasks efficiently. This is mostly because of my organizational skills and a good memory.

 Personal challenges

 One of my biggest challenges is going with my gut instinct when faced with an urgent decision to make. This has come in handy most of the times. Even as a child, I am told that I often offered advice based on my gut instincts and it came in handy in times of confusion. However, professionally, this is not usually the best decision. It is essential to conduct and research on facts before making decisions even if it takes up more time and effort.

An additional weakness is that I like being in control of all things at all times. I like knowing what is happening and what I expect to happen. When events occur and catch me by surprise, I at times react negatively by being either anxious, angry, or becoming panicky. Am slowly learning that I cannot always be in control of the future and events may occur unexpectedly. Other times, I have been emotionally affected when things are happening, and they are entirely out of my control, such as losing a patient no matter how hard my team and I work to keep him alive. Acceptance of such occurrences at times takes a toll on me.

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Conversation Reflection

The conversations were very eye-opening and drew attention to some things that I did not previously take an interest in. Basing my arguments on laws of conversation, I could identify an issue, and I could not deviate from it. I leave my emotions at the door during my conversations which helps me not to attract unnecessary squabble. I was wary of shifting dialogues. I would win arguments by organizing ideas and delivering them effectively. The conversation laws are dependent on levels of the conversation meter including authenticity, accuracy, sincerity, and pretense (Phillippi & Lauderdale, 2018).  I felt more aware and in touch with things that I formerly considered petty. They broadened my thoughts about the matter, and I have since begun perceiving things from a broader perspective. The conversations were mostly sincere since most parts of it were based on feelings and needs rather than on facts.

Success Strategies Reflection

To be a successful student, there are several strategies that one needs to implement. Being a student involves a lot of learning. Hence, one should be open to receiving new knowledge. Other than the knowledge from class work and lectures, a successful student should be willing to go the extra mile and do more research in their free time for them to gain even greater insight about their area of study. This also involves asking questions to get clarification on difficult areas (Maguire, 2017).

As a student, time is an essential resource since there is so much to do in very little time. Time management skills are crucial to ensure assignments are completed on time and deadlines are not missed. If time is not correctly managed, students may find their personal lives and their academic lives clashing with each other. Caution must be taken to maintain a delicate balance between the two to avoid any interference with each other. During learning, it is expected to encounter some challenges such as difficulty understanding a particular topic. Students should not give up but exercise resilience in achieving their objectives. Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

From my strengths, am good at multitasking, forming interpersonal relationships and working in a team environment. I am also good at engaging in and performing challenging tasks. I have a very optimistic attitude and always looking at the positive side of things. I can confidently act as a team leader or as a team player as per the prevailing circumstances of a situation. I need more help in learning how to be flexible and accepting to let go of control of situations at all times. I also help in learning how to maintain long-term relationships since I may at times feel drained by having to sustain them.

Course Application Reflection

This course has equipped me with vital knowledge, skills, and abilities that I will use in various aspects of my life here on. In my academic activities, I have learned what it takes to be a good student and the skills I must implement to ensure I become successful in my journey towards beginning a successful career. My communication skills have significantly improved and will enable me to communicate effectively with my peers.

            The communication skills I have learned will further be beneficial in my professional career. They will help me to communicate in my working environment with my colleagues, superiors, subordinates and patients alike. Communicating effectively at the workplace is an essential factor in ensuring I get along well with others. It will help me avoid conflicts and handle them when they arise to avoid stress in the workplace. I have also learned of approaches I can use to communicate effectively with patients and make them trust me and also handle them when they are undergoing various emotions: fear, anger, anxiety, confusion, and pain among others that patients experience when undergoing treatment. I also feel confident enough to take up leadership positions when called upon and when a need arises and have a few tactics I can use to ensure cohesiveness and unity in my team.

All these skills will most assuredly have a positive impact on my personal life as I will henceforth communicate better with all those around me. Using the Energy Graph will moreover help me understand why people behave the way they do in certain situations. This will make more a patient person and motivate me to be more nurturing, compassionate and empathetic of people and their circumstances. The course was overall very informative and enjoyable. It was easy to understand, and the various activities made it more practical and relatable.

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