Response post in insurance payer system.

Response Post  

A single payer system is one that is characterised by the comprehensive and universal coverage as the one provide by the Medicare system in the United States.  In this way the government is mandated to pay for healthcare that is delivered even in the private health sector (McCanne, 2019). Around the world the single payer system pays for anyone that is covered under the health insurance related services by their government. This is practiced around the world in countries like Germany, Australia and Canada Medicare. The single payer system around the world is different in regard to the provisions by the selected country’s Medicare. Finland is known to have the best Medicare system around the world due to the number of provisions allowed for any citizen under the coverage (McCanne, 2019).  The single payer system is very good for the United States since insurers are mandated to provide for a more affordable and better care for every citizen. In this way, financial threat is eliminated including impaired access to healthcare for millions of citizens that may not afford the out of pocket type of cover.

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