Nursing Research


Nursing Research

In nursing research, there is a great need to keep a balance in every aspect involved in the research. Research is not done in a vacuum rather in an environment where there are people, and balance is required in the environment. The aspects accompanied by nursing research include potential benefits, the burdens of research and people.  When doing nursing research, there is a need to understand the person's respect; this comes through respecting individuals' autonomy and ensuring that we protect people with diminished autonomy (Plakovic, 2016). As research, we must give individuals the right to make decisions, opinions and considerations to give all information. We should ensure individuals enter into the research willingly; for example, I will have to ask individuals if they are willing to be involved and gauge the situation before involving them in the study. In research, there is need to respect people who don't have autonomy.

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As far as a researcher respects the people who lack autonomy and protects people with disabilities, they should also consider the factor of potential benefits. The principle of benefit involves doing good and ensuring nobody is injured during the research regardless of the beneficial factor (Gieselmann, Efkemann & Scholten, 2019).  Although risks are involved, any research must ensure there are no harmful activities that may injure any individual. Putting it into this context, when doing research that involves the emission of any natural gas that may harm or injure an individual's health, the research should just be stopped. All the dangerous experiments during the research should be abandoned despite the beneficial aspect involved. The last principle that is involved in the research is the law of justice (Reagan & Shelton, 2016). The factor of equality among individual should be applied—everybody to be treated with fairness and equality despite sex, race, and disabilities.

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