Diabetes Self-Management Interventions for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes

PICOT 2nd Assignment

A theory chosen for a research study is very important as it creates strong grounds through which a research framework is guided.  In the study by Lepard, Joseph, Agne, & Cherrington, (2015) there was the incorporation of a number of social cognitive theory and the trans-theoritical model and motivational interviewing framework.  The use of different theories, including adult learning theories provide a positive improvement in the glycaemic control in regard to diabetes self-management education in the United States.  It is evident that the use of a combination of theories I the article affected the aspects of the study including the design methods as it helps in determining the DSME factors that improve in the quality of life through a follow up period of 12 months (Lepard, Joseph, Agne, & Cherrington, 2015).  The study provides justification for the use of different interventions to provide a collaborative goal setting, which it was found to be linked to a better outcome for diabetes self-management education.

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It is evident that the study might have differed if the framework was not used because the framework incorporates all the physical care and psychological models in to one for better results in DSME. However if only one model would be used then it means the research gap would have been widened. The study also discussed the use of new technologies like telehealth which is only found in new cognitive models with several interventions that included the combination of different approaches with an improved self-efficacy and metabolic outcomes (Lepard, Joseph, Agne, & Cherrington, 2015). New technologies for example encourage face to face self-management education for rural communities which would not have had an impact if the study focussed on only one model.

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